Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Top news for Blogspot.: Struggling to Launch: Improving Job Prospects for the Class of '13

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Struggling to Launch: Improving Job Prospects for the Class of '13
Struggling to Launch: Improving Job Prospects for the Class of '13
College commencement season is upon us, and in just a few weeks, the Class of 2013 will begin their post-college life.Those entering the job market seem to be hedging their bets: 1 in 3...
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Demystifying How Facebook's EdgeRank Algorithm Works [INFOGRAPHIC]
Demystifying How Facebook's EdgeRank Algorithm Works [INFOGRAPHIC] · Two infographics that explain how Facebook EdgeRank filters which content gets displayed in users' News Feeds.
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Vivek Wadhwa
Vivek Wadhwa published
The Tech Industry’s Darkest Secret: It’s All About Age
The Tech Industry’s Darkest Secret: It’s All About Age · They don’t prepare you for this in college or admit it in job interviews. The harsh reality is that if you are middle-aged, write...
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Why LinkedIn dumped HTML5 & went native for its mobile apps
Why LinkedIn dumped HTML5 & went native for its mobile apps · "There are a few things that are critically missing. One is tooling support. The second is operability. Because those two things...
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Digital Now 25 Cents Of Every Ad Dollar: Display, Search Still...
Digital Now 25 Cents Of Every Ad Dollar: Display, Search Still... · Madison Avenue’s media market shares continue to restructure. While television still represents the majority of media bought by...
6 Comment
Quantcast Passes $100M Run-Rate, Lands Senior Hires As Ads Business...
Quantcast Passes $100M Run-Rate, Lands Senior Hires As Ads Business... · Online display advertising has been a murky business - who is actually viewing all those ads, and do those ads make a difference...
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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

LinkedIn Network Updates, 4/23/2013

Network Updates, Apr 16 - Apr 23
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Hussain Sethiya
Sophia Huang
Hussain Sethiya is now connected to Sophia Huang
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Benoit F.
Benoit F.
Google fait mieux que prévu en augmentant ses bénéfices de 16% -...
Google fait mieux que prévu en augmentant ses bénéfices de 16% -...
A la fin de son premier trimestre, Google affiche une belle réussite avec 16% de bénéfices nets et réitère sa volonté de s'investir dans des projets innovants tels que les Google glass ou une fibre optique ultra-rapide.
Carrie White
Carrie White
How to Survive a Shark Attack
How to Survive a Shark Attack
Sharks are chase predators which means if you flee, they will chase after you. They are capable of detecting panic, fear and vulnerability which could be your downfall. If the shark is circling you, he/she is checking you out...
Heba AlSamt
Heba AlSamt
نحن في عام 2013 و لايزال النظام غريباً على البعض #من_حياتنا_اليومية...
نحن في عام 2013 و لايزال النظام غريباً على البعض #من_حياتنا_اليومية...
  سؤال: ما هي الحكمة من مواقف السيارات؟ الجواب: لإيقاف سيارتك في المكان المحدد لتجنب عرقلة السير الكل يعرف ذلك ولكن البعض يكره مواقف السيارات ويفضل أن يوقف سيارته أمام المداخل مباشرة ويتسبب بعرقلة حركة السير و إيذاء المارة. تم تخصيص مواقف مخصصة...
Mohamed Youssef
Mohamed Youssef
Get, set… quit: Jobseekers rejoice as more employees quit for better...
Get, set… quit: Jobseekers rejoice as more employees quit for better...
With the UAE job market improving, more people have been voluntarily quitting their jobs and the number of employees expected to put in their papers is expected to rise further this year, say recruitment experts.Compared with...
How about these people? burhan teenwala
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