Wednesday, August 6, 2014

What Your Clothes Say About You

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What Your Clothes Say About You
Frank Wu on LinkedIn
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My Worst Travel Experience? Airlines from 1950 to 1984
Richard Branson
My biggest travel disaster was flying anywhere from my first flight as a child up to the time we launched Virgin Atlantic 30...
Social Capital of Social Media
Oliver McGee in Social Media
Have you ever considered how much social capital you are engaging, when you say "Facebook Me," or "Tweet Me," or "Hit me up on...
How Much Social Media Is Too Much? in Social Media
Business owners should assess their resources before trying to share on too many platforms if valuable posts are the goal.
What My Dog Taught Me About Social Media Marketing
Harry Kierbow in Social Media
There is no one person or way to learn to be successful in business. We have to borrow (aka steal) ideas and strategies from...
Daily Report: Turning Users Into Customers at Facebook in Social Media
To grab some of television's ad dollars, Facebook is trying to help advertisers reach potential buyers with exacting precision.
Stop Sweating the Small Stuff
Krista Bunskoek in Social Media
(Note: This article was originally published in Social Media Today) Social media and online marketing are rapidly evolving. When...
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