Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A Drone Nearly Collided With a Jet, But There's a Bigger Point Everyone Is Missing

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A Drone Nearly Collided With a Jet, But There's a Bigger Point Everyone Is Missing
Michael Moritz on LinkedIn
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How to Quit Your High Paying Job
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In 2011, I left the highest paying job I've ever had. It was so much money that I'm still ashamed to tell my parents what I left...
A Marketer's Influence: What's Our Responsibility?
Elisabeth Michaud in Social Media
As a marketer, it's my job to craft copy that will educate potential customers about my company's brand and products. It's my job...
Here's Why LinkedIn Might Be a Better Investment Than Twitter in Social Media
LinkedIn is more likely to outgrow its problems.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Search
Marshall Maher in Social Media
It seems like a simple enough concept: People should have a right in what comes up when you search for them on Google, Bing,...
Twitter to roll out 'mute' feature in Social Media
Twitter is rolling out a new "mute" feature that will let you silence certain users, although they won't know it.
5 Tools to Simplify Twitter by Eva Gantz
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By now, just about every marketer is already on Twitter, or at least aware that it's a fairly important means of getting the word...
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Pete Cashmore
Founder and CEO, Mashable
Gary Vaynerchuk
Entrepreneur, Investor,...
David Edelman
McKinsey partner leading...
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