Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A Gap Year for Mid-Career? It Could Make You a Better Employee

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A Gap Year for Mid-Career? It Could Make You a Better Employee
Tamara Murray
Tufts University announced they'll pay students to take a gap year between high school and college because the experience makes...
TWITTER-THE LOVE BIRD: Why Terrorists Love Twitter
Maha Hamdan in Social Media
ChainsoffDefenseOne\ Laura Rayan"Try to think like a terrorist for a second. Would you like to get—free-of-charge—satellite...
Secret Launches in China With the Help of a Partner, Adds Language... in Social Media
Anonymous social sharing app Secret opened up to new users around the globe a few weeks ago, becoming available pretty much...
The Rise of the Social Influencer
Holly Hamann in Social Media
For more than 50 years, marketers have enjoyed a distinct advantage over consumers when it comes to influencing behavior. In the...
New Facebook Feature Will Share Your Music, TV Shows in Social Media
Facebook will add technology to its mobile apps that recognizes the music, movies or television shows its users are enjoying, in...
3 Social Media Secrets Every New Grad Needs!
Kabir Sehgal in Social Media
Social media can MAKE or BREAK your job search.Tagged Facebook pictures of your worst college indiscretions immortalized,...
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