Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Apple Competes With Its Own Ad Agency – and Loses

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Apple Competes With Its Own Ad Agency – and Loses
Bruce Goldman
It's been a little over a year since Apple Computer started creating its own, in-house advertising agency to compete with Media...
Sincerity - The Secret Sauce for Selling in the Digital Age
Jennifer Barr in Social Media
Digital selling retains many of the elements of face-to-face sales. If what you say is out of sync with who you are and what you...
9 Ways Social Media Can Help You Deliver Exceptional Customer Service in Social Media
No matter how prominently you display your customer service email address or phone number, custom...
The Startup Economy: Trouble in Paradise?
Eduardo Rodrigues
We live in exciting times as far as the startup economy is concerned. Incubators are popping up everywhere, venture capital funds...
4 Common Vocal Mistakes Leaders Make in Social Media
Commanding respect as a leader means more than having a fancy job title and a corner office; it also means having the right tone...
Starting Up: Why I Decided to Make the Leap
Steve Sprieser
Several individuals have asked me why I chose to do a startup right out of grad school. Truth be told, I didn't really "choose"...
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