Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Which of These Mistakes Do You Make — That Successful People Don’t

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Which of These Mistakes Do You Make — That Successful People Don't
Bernard Marr
No matter what you want to succeed at in life—your career, a hobby, your personal life—there are a few universal truths that can...
The 10-Point Social Media Policy Everyone Will Understand
Jeff Roach in Social Media
When a client asked me last week, the 10th person this year, if I could help them draft a social media policy for their company,...
CIA can't confirm or deny that it has joined Twitter in Social Media
The Central Intelligence Agency can now conduct covert ops at 140 characters a minute. The nation's spymasters joined Twitter on...
"It was a Dark and Stormy Night…" – How Social Media is Adding Color to...
Nelson Fernandez in Social Media
Nelson Fernandez is diversity chair, executive director and managing director of APCO Worldwide in New York. The field of public...
Google Is Using Twitter Data Again, This Time for Disaster Alerts | Gadget... in Social Media
A new data sharing agreement between Google and Twitter may indicate the two companies recognize their products work better...
11 Golden Nuggets of Insight from Social Media Leaders
Karen Mazzotta in Social Media
Nearly 30 social media strategists on the front lines of connectiveness offered tips, trends and challenges during last week's PR...
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