Thursday, September 18, 2014

I'm Not a Morning Person, But...

Must-Reads for Blogspot.
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Highlight of the day
I'm Not a Morning Person, But...
Betty Liu on LinkedIn
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The Four Reasons Working Relationships Fail
Dr. Travis Bradberry
A new relationship—whether personal or professional—is a lot like buying a new car. Driving it off the lot is pure...
Why this is the beginning of the end of Apple
Creel Price
Back in late 2011, during a keynote to entrepreneurs, I was asked whether the passing of Steve Jobs was the beginning of the...
The Day I Got Laid Off: Learning From Failure
Nathan Tanner
January 14, 2009. I remember it like it was yesterday.I was sitting at my desk when the head of our team tapped me on the...
How to Avoid Being Underpaid for Your Work
Bruce Kasanoff
For twenty years, I've watched both professionals - and companies - be pushed into competing on the basis of price. This is a...
How The Boss From Hell Can Benefit Your Career
Naomi Seselja
We've all dealt with the hellish managers, so I chose to use my experiences to inspire my career progression. Here's my...
Don't Hire Superstars. Create Them.
Paul Petrone
It is about developing the best, not hiring the best. Credit: Paramount Pictures When hiring, it is sensible to hire the absolute...
Pro Tip: How to Write Your "Objective" on Your Resume
Carl Giannone
There is only one way to write your "Objective" on your resume...Don't..The Objective is as much of a relic of...
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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

I'm Not a Morning Person, But...

Must-Reads for Blogspot.
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Highlight of the day
I'm Not a Morning Person, But...
Betty Liu on LinkedIn
Recommended for you
There wolf. There castle. Directions on blogging.
Kevin Sandlin in Social Media
I could have titled this post "6 ways to improve your blogging", but I got the Young Frankenstein reference stuck in my head so I...
4 Tips for Content Marketing Success in Social Media
Taking a systematic campaign approach to content marketing can really boost your online presence.
5 Social Media DON'Ts for Businesses
Steve Kauff in Social Media
If you're a business owner, you probably know by now that it's crucial to make social media part of your marketing strategy....
3 steps to make LinkedIn work to your advantage in Social Media
It's no secret that Linkedin is a valuable resource for HR, but do know how to avoid being swamped when on the recruitment trail?...
Behind the Scenes: Effective Writing Made Simple
Bruce Kasanoff in Social Media
This post is part of a series in which Influencers go behind the scenes to explain in detail one aspect of their work. Read all...
Guy Kawasaki: 10 Tips for a Huge Social Media Following in Social Media
The best time to start promoting your product on social media? Yesterday. Author Guy Kawasaki breaks down how to succeed on...
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Manabu Miyasaka
CEO at Yahoo! JAPAN
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