Monday, July 16, 2012

LinkedIn Network Updates, 7/16/2012

Network Updates, Jul 9 - Jul 16
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Hussain Sethiya is now connected to Hatim Abbas Dalal
Updates from Your Extended Network
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Nawaz Shahzad Google Shopping Redesigned For Mobile Devices
Shop Till You Drop On Mobile Devices With Google Shopping
I have not yet purchased a single thing on my mobile device. I have the Amazon mobile app, but it’s just not a very consumer friendly mobile app as far as the shopping experience goes. Maybe things will start to look up for the...
Paul Parsons Facebook begins rotating ads on static pages if users don’t interact
Facebook begins rotating ads on static pages if users don’t interact
View Top Pages
Arabian Gazette #Arab world #coffee & #tea consumption more than trebles over last decade; 85% increase in #UAE during last 3 years alone
Kranthi D Kumar
Is Google Looking To Buy A Social Media Management Firm To Keep Tabs...
Consolidation continues apace in the social media campaign management sector -- with's acquisition of Buddy Media, Oracle's of Vitrue, and Syncapse's of Clickable -- and the deals will likely keep coming if the...
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