Monday, October 1, 2012

LinkedIn Network Updates, 10/01/2012

Network Updates, Sep 24 - Oct 1
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Benoit Fabre
Israël demande à l'ONU de fixer une "ligne rouge" à l'Iran
L'Iran n'a besoin "que de quelques mois, peut-être quelques semaines, avant d'avoir suffisamment d'uranium enrichi pour la première bombe" assure Benyamin Nétanyahou à l'ONU.
Jasmine Aladdin A late Apology
Apple CEO apologizes for Maps flaws, recommends rivals
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Apple Inc Chief Executive Tim Cook apologized Friday to customers frustrated with glaring errors in its new Maps service and, in an unusual move for the consumer giant,...
Deepak Krishnan
Is Your Job Honeymoon Over? - Forbes
We go through phases in a job, just as we experience life cycles. Headhunter Jorg Stegemann recommends you start looking for a new job sooner than you might think.
Customer Service in the Social Media Age: A New Metric to Gauge Your...
Most marketers focus the bulk of their energy on creating campaigns that will enhance their brand health, but often overlook the importance of what people are saying publicly through social media about the organic customer...
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