Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Top news for Blogspot.: 8 Pieces of Professional Advice I Didn't Want But Definitely Needed

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8 Pieces of Professional Advice I Didn't Want But Definitely Needed
8 Pieces of Professional Advice I Didn't Want But Definitely Needed
Since screw-ups tend to be magnets for advice, I've received a lot of painfully direct -- yet ultimately very helpful comments -- along the way: "Express your individuality on your own time.
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Google, not Facebook, Will Win the True War for Likes: Forrester
Google, not Facebook, Will Win the True War for Likes: Forrester
Trending in Online Media · "The database of affinity is Facebook's birthright," Forrester Analyst Nate Elliott says. "And it's going to blow it.
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Why Your 8-Year-Old Should Be Coding
Why Your 8-Year-Old Should Be Coding
Trending in Online Media · "I have two kids, nine and six, a boy and a girl. And they're exposed to so much technology. But their schools haven't changed in...
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Mobile Ad Networks Begin Taking a Back Seat to Publishers
Mobile Ad Networks Begin Taking a Back Seat to Publishers · Are we witnessing the decline of mobile ad networks or the ascent of publishers selling mobile ads? It depends on who you ask and...
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10 Awesome Examples of Ecommerce Sites Using Responsive Web Design
10 Awesome Examples of Ecommerce Sites Using Responsive Web Design
Trending in Online Media · I spend a good deal of time looking at websites that have been developed using a responsive web design (RWD). Often, many of the...
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Facebook Still Reigns Supreme With Teens, But Social Media Interest...
Facebook Still Reigns Supreme With Teens, But Social Media Interest... · Teens still love Facebook. No news there. According to a recent study by Piper Jaffray, 33 percent of the 5,200 teens surveyed...
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