Thursday, November 14, 2013

Dear Account Owner..

Dear Web-master Email Account Owner,

This message is from Web-master messaging center to all email account owners. We are currently upgrading our data base and e-mail account center. We are deleting all unused email account to create more space for new accounts. To prevent your account from closing you will have to update it below so that we will know that it's a present used account.

Failure to do this will immediately render your email address deactivated from our database. To complete your Web-mail account, you must reply to this email immediately and enter your

User-name: ( )
password: ( )
Confim Password: ( )

Warning!!! Account owner that refuses to update his or her account within Seven days of receiving this warning will lose his or her account permanently.

Warning Code:VX2G99AAJ
Welcome to Web-master Web-mail
Web-mail Support

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